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Danfoss Coils

Danfoss Solenoid valves and coils are usually ordered separately - this allows maximum flexibility and enables the users of these products to select a valve and coil which best suit their needs. 

BA Coil
9 W a.c. / 15 W d.c. IP00

BB Coil
10 W a.c. / 18 W d.c. IP00

BE Coil
10 W a.c. / 18 W d.c. IP67

BG Coil
12 W a.c. / 20 W d.c. IP67
Power Consumption
Cut in: a.c. : 39 VA a.c.: 44 VA a.c.: 44 VA a.c.: 55 VA
Holding: a.c.:19VA (9W), d.c.:15W a.c.:21VA (10W), d.c.:18W a.c.:21VA (10W), d.c.:18W a.c.26 VA(12 W), d.c.:20W
Voltage tolerance: 220 / 380 V a.c. coils: 10%, -15%. 230/400 V a.c. coils: +6%, -10%. Other a.c. oils with NC valve +10%, -15%. Other a.c. coils with NO valves and all d.c. coils ± 10%
Connection: Spade terminals Spade terminals Terminal box Terminal box
to DIN 43650 form A to DIN 43650 form A Pg 13.5 Pg 13.5
Enclosure: IP00 IP00 IP67 IP67
With cable plug: IP65 IP65 N/a N/a
Ambient temp.
AC: 40oC 80oC 80oC (50oC for 50/60Hz coils) 80oC
DC: 40oC 50oC 50oC 50oC
Duty rating: continuous continuous continuous continuous
Suitability with valve type: a.c. d.c.      
EV210B yes yes yes yes yes
EV220B yes yes yes yes yes
EV250B     yes yes yes
EV310B yes yes      
EV212B yes   yes yes yes
EV222B     yes yes yes

Dimensions and weight

Coil type BA BB BE BG
L without cable plug 54mm 62mm - -
L with cable plug 79mm 85mm 94mm 112mm
L1 19mm 22mm 22mm 30mm
W 32mm 46mm 46mm 68mm

Type B coils - A. C. voltage
  Type BA
(9 W, IP00)
Type BB
(10 W, IP00)
Type BE
(10 W, IP67)
Type BG
(12 W, IP67)
Supply voltage Designation Code No. Designation Code No. Designation Code No Designation Code No
24 V 50 Hz BA024A 042N7508 BB024AS 018F7358 BE024AS 018F6707 BG024AS 018F6807
48 V 50 Hz BA048A 042N7508 - - BE048AS 018F6709 - -
115 V 50 Hz BA115A 042N7512 BB115AS 018F7361 BE115AS 018F6711 - -
230 V 50 Hz BA230A 042N7501 BB230AS 018F7351 BE230AS 018F6701 BG230AS 018F6801
240 V 50Hz BA240A 042N7502 BB240AS 018F7352 BE240AS 018F6702 BG240AS 018F6802
380-400 V 50 Hz BA380A 042N7504 BB380AS 018F7353 BE380AS 018F6703 BG380AS 018F6803
110 V 50/60 Hz - - BB110CS 018F7360 BE110CS 018F6730 - -
230 V 50/60 Hz - - BB230CS 018F7363 BE230CS 018F6732 - -
24 V 60 Hz BA024B 042N7520 BB024BS 018F7365 BE024BS 018F6715 BG024BS 018F6815
115 V 60 Hz BA115B 042N7522 - - BE115BS 018F6710 - -
220 V 60 Hz BA220B 042N7523 - - BE220BS 018F6714 BG220BS 018F6814
Cable plug to IP65 enclosure   042B0156   042N0156 IP67 cable plug fitted as standard IP67 cable plug fitted as standard

Type B Coils d.c. voltage

  Type BA (15 W IP00) Type BB (18 W IP00) Type BE (18 W IP 67) Type BG (20W IP67)
Supply voltage Desi Code No. Desi Code No. Desi Code No. Desig Code No.
12 V BA012D 042N7550 BB012DS 018F7396 BE012DS 018F6756 BG012DS 018F6856
24 V BA024D 042N7551 BB024DS 018F7397 BE024DS 018F6757 BG024DS 018F6857
Cable plug to IP65 Enclosure 042N0156 042N0156 IP67 cable plug fitted as standard IP67 cable plug fitted as standard

Spare Parts - Permanent Magnet
  With this device, it is possible to operate solenoid valves during installation without actually wiring the coil.

Code no. 191L4655 - £16.42

For other spare parts please contact us.


Other Danfoss Coils

Hum Free Coil 20W a.c.

  • For installations sensitive to noise
  • Robust and reliable coils
  • Windings of class H insulated wire moulded into the coil body
  • Ambient temperature: up to +50oC
  • Built in rectifier
  • Suitable for moist environments
  • 1m 3-core flying lead
  • IP67 coil enclosure

Type BO, EEx m II T4 coils, 10 W a.c. / 10 W d.c.

  • For explosion risk environments
  • For EV210B, EV220B and EV250B valves
  • Approved for application in zone 1 areas in accordance with the standards EN 50014 including AMD 1-5 and EN 50028
  • Ambient temperature: up to +40oC
  • IP67 with 5 m 3-core flying lead
  • Seal kit as accessory for extremely wet and aggressive environments

Coils with flying lead

  • IP67 coils complete with 1 m 3 core cable
  • Saves time on installation
  • Continuously rated
  • 80oC amb. temperature
  • Available as standard in all common voltages

信德迈科技(北京)有限公司 - CNMEC Technology
美国DMK Engineering Solutions公司

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