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Gardner Denver drilling,Production,well service and industrial pumps
Gardner Denver

Gardner Denver 格南登福是的空气压缩和真空产品供应商。我们向全球终端用户和OEM客户提供一系列采用多项技术的产品。 凭借全球协作、强烈的客户服务意识和深厚的应用知识,我们提供适用于多种制造和工艺应用的可靠、高能效的设备。我们的产品包括功能全面的低压与高压压缩机以及可定制的风机和真空泵等,适用于通用制造、汽车、废水处理以及食品和饮料、塑料和发电等行业。 我们还在全球范围内提供全面的售后服务,为我们的产品提供补充和支持。我们通过由分销商、销售代表和直销渠道组成的网络,依托经验丰富的专家和深厚的产品与应用专业知识,在全球提供产品销售和维护服务。

Denver。格南登福是全球的高度工程化产品制造商,这些产品适用于各种工业、医疗、环境、能源、运输和工艺应用。公司历史可以追溯到1859年,目前在30多个国家/地区拥有近7,000 名员工。格南登福总部位于美国威斯康星州密尔沃基,由三个业务单元组成:工业、能源和医疗集团。Vicente Reynal 担任公司CEO 兼总裁。


Gardner Denver钻井泵是由球墨铸铁建造,其中包含高强度和改进的框架刚度与较低的应力水平,约减少25%重量比钢制焊接泥浆泵轻。流体气瓶单独自紧、锻造、热处理合金钢,提高使用寿命。这个小轻型三缸设计初是为海上钻井应用而开发的。这些设计 特性降低了处理和设置成本,降低了维护成本并得到了改进易消耗部件,同时产生长寿命和经济的维护。 这些泵可以经济地完成以下工作:钻井、修井、固井、酸化、管道应用和泥浆应用。

PAH 275 8 3-5 22,030 128 357 1122-3118
PZ-7 (PZG) 550 7 4-7 64,400 166 507 1673-5000
PZ-8 (PZH) 750 8 4-7 76,800 189 580 1996-5000
PZ-9 (PZJ) 1000 9 4-7 101,550 242 585 2639-5000
PZ-10 (PZK) 1350 10 5.5-7 139,500 355 575 3624-5000
PZ-11 (PZL) 1600 11 5.5-7 150,300 390 632 3905-5000
PZ-11 (PZL) 1600 11 5-6.5 147,262 323 545 4527-7500
PX-11 (PXL) 2000 11 5-7 186,875 323 632 4880-7500

Gardner Denver FX双作用双泥浆泵的额定压力可达1906 psi,额定流量高达487 gpm。FXY 100 HP双工泵的压力大可达5000 psi。流体终端通径和配件适用于所有类型的钻井服务,从水井钻井应用到油井服务应用。

FXFB (FF-FXF) 16 5 2.5-4.5 35 121 197 639
FXFA (FF-FXF) 16 5 2.5-4 35 95 250 639
FXGA (FG-FXG) 32 6 3-5 52 150 310 895
FXXB (FD-FXX) 52 8 3-5.5 60 222 338 1136
FXXD (FC-FXX) 52 8 3-5 60 182 409 1136
FXXA (FY-FXX) 52 8 5-7.5 182 420 182 409
FXDB/C (FD-FXD) 85 10 3-5.5 70 257 475 1500
FXDD (FC-FXD) 85 10 3-5 70 211 574 1500
FXDA (FY-FXD) 85 10 5-7.5 211 487 255 574
FXEA (FY-FXE) 102 10 5-7.5 211 487 305 686
FXEB/C (FO-FXE) 102 10 3-5.5 70 257 567 1500
FXED (FC-FXE) 102 10 3-5.5 70 211 686 1906
FXY (FC-FXX) 100 8 3-5 17 260 560 5000

Gardner Denver提供一系列柱塞泵设计,以满足应用需要持续的服务。泵的尺寸范围从2英寸到6英寸的行程和额定从25马力到300马力。Gardner Denver有许多流体端组合需要满足您的应用需要,包括铝青铜,用于注水,盐水处理,蒸汽回收,以及用于管道测试,喷水和碳氢化合物服务的碳钢。

GD-25T (TQB) 25 2 1–2.25 5 62 675 2250
GD-45T (TQW) 45 2.5 1–2.75 6 106 675 5000
GD-55T (TQC) 55 3 1.75–3 19 110 735 2100
GD-65T (TAC) 65 3 1–3 5 138 735 5000
GD-100T (TDD) 100 4 1.75–3.5 22 213 745 3000
GD-125T (TEE) 125 5 1--4 5 286 675 6500
GD-135Q (QBX) 135 3.5 1.5–3 25 268 780 3110
GD-150T (TAE) 150 5 1.25–4.25 14 341 680 7850
GD-180T (TFE) 180 5 1.25–4.25 14 341 815 9415
GD-205T (TFE) 205 5 1.25–4.25 14 341 930 10000
GD-215T (THE) 215 5 4-5.5 41 462 720 2944
GD-300Q (QAF) 300 6 1.375–4.5 34 764 605 6480

Gardner Denver提供了一个灵活的大型柱塞泵生产线,以满足延长和持续任务的应用程序。这条线提供锻造钢VOV,钢线和不锈钢.

OPI-600 300 6 2–5 12 459 1000 14330
GD-1000 600 6 2–6.5 12 775 1195 20000
HD-2250 1100 8 3–7.5 37 1147 1486 13450
GD-2500Q 1375 8 3–6.75 61 1206 1760 14150

空气,蒸汽或气体操作的Gardner Denver泵已经在世界各地使用超过100年了。气泵是理想的喷射化学品到空气期间的气流钻井和清井应用。其他用途有矿山脱水、锅炉给水、固井、试验、喷浆、原油输送和泥浆处理等。

DAAB (AA-AA) 250 2.5x1.5x3 3 4 9 250
DABB (AB-AB) 250 3x2x3 3 8 16 250
DAEB (AE-AE) 250 4.5x3x4 4 23 47 250
DAGA (AG-AG) 250 6x4x6 6 57 114 250
DAGA (FG-AG) 400 6x5x6 6 21 180 900
DFSB (FD-FS) 400 10x5x10 10 21 195 1500
DFSA (FY-FS) 400 10x7.5x10 10 97 450 650
DFSC (FC-FS) 400 10x5x10 10 21 195 3580

石油管道,采矿和工业服务Gardner DenverFX双泵广泛应用于输油管道、矿山、工业及一般供水系统。典型的应用包括油管泵送,化工和石油产品输送,矿山脱水和油田钻机的清洗服务。这些泵可以根据需要进行调整和安装几乎每个应用程序的具体要求。

FXF (FF-FXF) 16-20 5 2.5-4 35 149 197 639
FXG (FG-FXG) 32-43 6 3-5 52 200 310 895
FXX (FD-FXX) 46-73 8 3-5.5 54 317 338 1136
FXX (FY-FXX) 46-73 8 3-5 54 260 409 1136
FXX (FC-FXX) 46-75 8 5-7.5 164 600 182 409
FXD (FD-FXD) 73-109 10 3-5.5 61 337 475 1500
FXD (FY-FXD) 73-109 10 3-5 61 276 574 1500
FXD (FC-FXD) 73-111 10 5-7.5 185 637 255 574
FXE (FD-FXE) 87-133 10 5-7.5 185 637 305 686
FXE (FY-FXE) 87-131 10 3-5.5 61 337 567 1500
FXE (FC-FXE) 87-130 10 3-5 61 276 686 1900

Gardner Denver油井维修泵是专为固井、酸化而设计的,防砂、热油服务和一般修井服务。间歇工作制压力额定值为10000 psi, Gardner Denver油井维修泵不仅满足,而且满足超过了石油服务行业的苛刻要求。
Rated Brake Horsepower 165 165 225 310 400
Stroke Length (inches) 5 5 6 8 8
Maximum Rod Load (lbs.) 44,000 44,000 84,000 127,235 159,000
Gear Ratio NA 5:1 5:1 4.7:1 10.15:1

Gardner Denver公司为您提供两个在油田服务中知名的公司泵。OPI和Geoquip产品线满足客户对坚固、高杆载荷、高功率泵。应用范围包括:卡车,拖车和撬装式水泥,酸化装置和增产设备。
Rated Brake Horsepower 600 600 1000
Stroke Length (inches) 6 6 6
Maximum Road Load (lbs.) 100,000 100,000 188,500
Gear Ratio 4.6:1 4.68:1 5.74:1

Gardner Denver公司认识到需要专门设计的设备来满足客户的需求具体的设计标准。加德纳·丹佛系列增产泵的利用率高先进的设计和材料的选择,减少泵的重量高达30%同时提供高的杆重比。
Rated Brake Horsepower 1250 3000
Stroke Length (inches) 8 11
Maximum Road Load (lbs.) 200,000 350,000
Gear Ratio 9:1 7.8:1
Dry Weight (lbs.) 8,500 18,550

增产工业仍然需要更高的马力泵是卡车,防滑和拖车安装部署在一些恶劣的环境。Gardner Denver公司继续采用新技术来确保这些泵的输送。作为我们的行业的变化和我们的产品-改进设计,材料规格和工艺允许加德纳丹佛提供大品种的产品,以满足我们的客户要求及价格。

Rated Brake Horsepower 2250 2250 2500 2500
Stroke Length (inches) 8 8 8 8
Maximum Rod Load (lbs.) 237,500 250,000 196,350 225.000
Gear Ratio 6.353:1 6.353:1 6.353:1 6.353:1
Dry Weight (lbs.) 14,000 13,700 14,600 18,800

Gardner Denver有各种各样的坚固,轻到中等重量的离心泵可用于各种油田作业。分段结构使得,低成本的维护,以及修改旋转,包装,磨损板,驱动器的能力满足你的需要4x5

C-Pump 5–30 15–50 200–950
5x6 C-Pump 10–60 20–70 200–1150
LX C-Pump 20–100 30–100 50–1150
10x12 C-Pump 50–200 15–85 500–4500
10x12HD C-Pump 50–280 15–110 500–5000


Gardner Denver drilling,Production,well service and industrial pumps
Gardner Denver drilling pumps
Gardner Denver FX Double-Acting Duplex Mud Pumps
Air,Steam or Gas Operated Gardner Denver pumps
Gardner Denver iplex and Quintuplex Plunger Pumps
Gardner-Denver ge Triplex and Quintup

Single-Acting Triplex Mud Pumps | 275 to 2000 HP

Gardner Denver drilling pumps are constructed of modular iron which incorporates high strength and improved frame stiffness with lower stress levels, at approximately 25% less weight than mud pumps constructed with welded steel fabrications. Fluid cylinders are individually autofrettaged, forged, heat treated alloy steel for improved life. This smaller and lighter triplex design was originally developed for offshore drilling applications. These design
features reduce handling and set-up costs, reduces maintenance costs and improve accessibility of expendable parts, while generating long-life and economical maintenance.

These pumps will economically perform the following services: drilling, workover, cementing, acidizing, pipeline applications and slurry applications. *

*For these applications consult the factory for ratings.

Pump Model Horsepower Stroke Piston Piston Load Rate Pressure
(In.) Sizes (PSI) Size (In.) (lbs.) (GPM) Ranges

PAH 275 8 3-5 22,030 128 357 1122-3118
PZ-7 (PZG) 550 7 4-7 64,400 166 507 1673-5000
PZ-8 (PZH) 750 8 4-7 76,800 189 580 1996-5000
PZ-9 (PZJ) 1000 9 4-7 101,550 242 585 2639-5000
PZ-10 (PZK) 1350 10 5.5-7 139,500 355 575 3624-5000
PZ-11 (PZL) 1600 11 5.5-7 150,300 390 632 3905-5000
PZ-11 (PZL) 1600 11 5-6.5 147,262 323 545 4527-7500
PX-11 (PXL) 2000 11 5-7 186,875 323 632 4880-7500

Gardner Denver drilling pumps model: PZ-7


Double-Acting Duplex Mud Pumps | 16 to 102 HP

Gardner Denver FX Double-Acting Duplex Mud Pumps are built and rated for pressures up to
1906 psi and flow rates rated as high as 487 gpm. The FXY 100 HP duplex pump is capable of
up to 5000 psi. Fluid end sizes and fittings are available for all types of drilling service, from
water well drilling applications to well service applications.

Pump Model Horsepower Stroke Piston Sizes Rate (GPM) Pressure (PSI)
(BHP) (In.) (In.) Min. Max. Min. Max.

FXFB (FF-FXF) 16 5 2.5-4.5 35 121 197 639
FXFA (FF-FXF) 16 5 2.5-4 35 95 250 639
FXGA (FG-FXG) 32 6 3-5 52 150 310 895
FXXB (FD-FXX) 52 8 3-5.5 60 222 338 1136
FXXD (FC-FXX) 52 8 3-5 60 182 409 1136
FXXA (FY-FXX) 52 8 5-7.5 182 420 182 409
FXDB/C (FD-FXD) 85 10 3-5.5 70 257 475 1500
FXDD (FC-FXD) 85 10 3-5 70 211 574 1500
FXDA (FY-FXD) 85 10 5-7.5 211 487 255 574
FXEA (FY-FXE) 102 10 5-7.5 211 487 305 686
FXEB (FO-FXE) 102 10 3-5.5 70 257 567 1500
FXED (FC-FXE) 102 10 3-5.5 70 211 686 1906
FXY (FC-FXX) 100 8 3-5 17 260 560 5000


Triplex and Quintuplex Plunger Pumps | 25 to 300 HP

Gardner Denver offers a complete line of plunger pumps designed to meet applications that
require continuous service. Pumps range in size from 2-inch to 6-inch stroke and are rated
from 25 to 300 horsepower. The Gardner Denver line has many fluid-end combinations to meet
your application needs, including aluminum bronze for water-flood, salt water disposal, steam
recovery, as well as carbon steel for pipeline testing, water-blast and hydrocarbon services.

Pump Model Horsepower Stroke Plunger Sizes Rate (GPM) Pressure (PSI)
(BHP) (In.) (In.) Min. Max. Min. Max.

GD-25T (TQB) 27 2 1–2.25 5 62 675 2250
GD-45T (TQW) 46 2.5 1–2.75 6 106 675 5000
GD-55T (TQC) 52.5 3 1.75–3 19 110 735 2100
GD-65T (TAC) 65.6 3 1–3 5 138 735 5000
GD-100T (TDD) 100 4 1.75–3.5 22 213 745 3000
GD-125T (TEE) 125 5 1--4 5 286 675 6500
GD-135Q (QBX) 135 3.5 1.5–3 25 268 780 3110
GD-150T (TAE) 150 5 1.25–4.25 14 341 680 7850
GD-180T (TFE) 180 5 1.25–4.25 14 341 815 9415
GD-205T (TFE) 205 5 1.25–4.25 14 341 930 10000
GD-215T (THE) 215 5 4-5.5 41 462 720 2944
GD-300Q (QAF) 300 6 1.375–4.5 34 764 605 6480

Large Triplex and Quintuplex Plunger Pumps | 300 to 1375 HP

Gardner Denver offers a flexible line of large plunger pumps to meet extended and contiuous
duty applications. This line is offered with forged steel VOV, steel inline and stainless steel
inline fluid ends.

Pump Model Horsepower Stroke Plunger Sizes Rate (GPM) Pressure (PSI)
(BHP) (In.) (In.) Min. Max. Min. Max.

C-500 300 6 2–4.5 12 434 1090 14330
OPI-600 300 6 2–5 12 459 1000 14330
GD-1000 600 6 2–6.5 12 775 1195 20000
LC-1500 750 8 3–6.5 37 758 1525 11325
D-2250 1000 8 3–7.5 37 1147 1345 12750
HD-2250 1100 8 3–7.5 37 1147 1486 13450
GD-2500Q 1375 8 3–6.75 61 1206 1760 14150

Continuous Duty Duplex Steam Pumps | 16 to 133 HP

Air, Steam or Gas Operated Gardner Denver pumps have been used around-the-world
for over 100 years. Air pumps are ideal for injecting chemicals into the air stream during air
drilling and well cleaning applications. Other uses are mine de-watering boiler feed, cementing,
testing, gunniting cude oil transmission and slush service.

Pump Model Max. Steam Size Stroke Rate (GPM) Pressure (PSI)
Pressure (PSI) (In.) (In.) Min. Max. Max.

DAAB (AA-AA) 250 2.5x1.5x3 3 4 9 250
DABB (AB-AB) 250 3x2x3 3 8 16 250
DAEB (AE-AE) 250 4.5x3x4 4 23 47 250
DAGA (AG-AG) 250 6x4x6 6 57 114 250
DAGA* (FG-AG) 400 6x5x6 6 21 180 900
DFSB (FD-FS) 400 10x5x10 10 21 195 1500
DFSA* (FY-FS) 400 10x3.5x10 10 97 450 650
DFSC* (FC-FS) 400 10x5x10 10 21 195 3580

Continuous Duty Duplex Production Pumps | 16 to 133 HP

Oil line, mining and industrial service Gardner Denver FX Duplex Pumps are
widely used for oil line, mining, industrial and general water service. Typical applications
include oil line pumping, chemical and petroleum products transfer, mine dewatering and
wash-down service on oil field drilling rigs. These pumps can be sized and fitted to meet
the specific demands of almost every application.

Pump Model Horsepower Stroke Piston Size Rate (GPM) Pressure (PSI)
(BHP) (In.) (In.) Min. Max. Min. Max.

FXFH (FF-FXF) 16-20 5 2.5-4 35 149 197 639
FXGE (FG-FXG) 32-43 6 3-5 52 200 310 895
FXXS (FD-FXX) 46-73 8 3-5.5 54 317 338 1136
FXXU (FY-FXX) 46-73 8 3-5 54 260 409 1136
FXXR (FC-FXX) 46-75 8 5-7.5 164 600 182 409
FXDS (FD-FXD) 73-109 10 3.5-5 61 337 475 1500
FXDU (FY-FXD) 78-109 10 3-5 61 276 574 1500
FXDR (FC-FXD) 78-111 10 5-7.5 185 637 255 574
FXER (FD-FXE) 87-133 10 5-7.5 185 637 305 686
FXES (FY-FXE) 87-131 10 3-5.5 61 337 567 1500
FXEU (FC-FXE) 87-130 10 3-5 61 276 686 1900

Intermittent Duty Well Serving Pumps

Gardner Denver Triplex Pumps | 165 to 400 HP

Gardner Denver Well Servicing Pumps are specifically designed for cementing, acidizing,
sand control, hot oil service, and general work-over service. With intermittent duty service
and pressure ratings to 10,000 psi, Gardner Denver Well Servicing Pumps not only meet but
surpass the rugged demands of the petroleum service industry.

Specifications 3x5 & 4x5 TEE TGE TGF PAH TGH

Rated Brake Horsepower 165 165 225 310 400
Stroke Length (inches) 5 5 6 8 8
Maximum Rod Load (lbs.) 44,000 44,000 84,000 127,235 159,000
Gear Ratio NA 5:1 5:1 4.7:1 10.15:1

Intermittent Duty Triplex Pumps | 350 to 1250 HP

Gardner Denver is proud to offer two of the most well known names in oil field service
pumps. The OPI and Geoquip product lines fulfill client needs for rugged, high rod load,
high horsepower pumps. Applications include: truck, trailer and skid mounted cementers,
acidizing units and stimulation equipment.

Pump Specifications C500 Compact OPI 600 C-750 GD-1000

Rated Brake Horsepower 600 600 600 750 1000
Stroke Length (inches) 6 6 6 6 6
Maximum Road Load (lbs.) 100,000 100,000 100,000 120,000 188,500
Gear Ratio 4.6 & 5.4 4.6:1 4.68:1 4.65 & 4.71 5.74:1

Intermittent Duty Well Stimulation Pumps

GD Specialty Triplex Pumps | 1250 to 3000 HP

Gardner Denver recognized the need for specifically designed equipment to meet customer’s
specific design criteria. The Gardner Denver line of stimulation pumps utilizes the most
advanced designs and material selections to reduce pump weights as much as 30 percent
while offering the highest rod load to weight ratios available.

Pump Specifications GD-1250 LC-1500 GD-1600 GD-3000

Rated Brake Horsepower 1250 1600 1600 3000
Stroke Length (inches) 8 8 8 11
Maximum Road Load (lbs.) 200,000 200,000 200,000 350,000
Gear Ratio 9:1 7.47:1 9:1 7.8:1
Dry Weight (lbs.) 8,500 10,000 8,900 18,550

OPI Style Triplex and Quintuplex Pumps | 1600 to 2500 HP

The well stimulation industry has continued to require higher horsepowered pumps which can
be truck, skid and trailer mounted for deployment in some of the harshest environments.
Gardner Denver continues to employ new technology to ensure these pumps deliver. As our
industry changes so do our products — improvements to design, material specifications and
craftsmanship allows Gardner Denver to offer the largest variety of products to meet our
customers’ requirements and price.

Pump Specifications D-2250 HD-2250 C-2250 GD-2500Q

Rated Brake Horsepower 2250 2250 2250 2500
Stroke Length (inches) 8 8 8 8
Maximum Rod Load (lbs.) 225,000 237,500 250,000 196,350
Gear Ratio 6.353:1 6.353:1 6.353:1 6.353:1
Dry Weight (lbs.) 12,700 14,000 13,700 14,600

Centrifugal Pumps

Gardner Denver has an assortment of rugged, light to medium weight centrifugal pumps that
can be used in a variety of oilfield operations. The segmented construction allows for easy,
low cost maintenance as well as the ability to modify rotation, packing, wear plates, and drive
shafts to meet your needs.

Pump Model Operation Ranges Pressure Ranges Flow Rates

4x5 C-Pump 5–30 15–50 200–950
5x6 C-Pump 10–60 20–70 200–1150
LX C-Pump 20–100 30–100 50–1150
10x12 C-Pump 50–200 15–85 500–4500
10x12HD C-Pump 50–280 15–110 500–5000

Replacement Parts and Repair Service Genuine Gardner Denver, OPI, GeoQuip and Chaparral Replacement Parts Expendable parts manufactured to original specifications from the people who have been making pumps tougher for over 100 years.

When you need replacement parts for your pump, insist in genuine Gardner Denver., OPI.,GeoQuip. and Chaparral. products. Our pump products have served the petroleum and industrial markets dependably for decades. You know you can trust Gardner Denver parts because they are designed and quality checked to rigid specifications by the same engineers and craftsmen who design and build our pumps. Our factories utilize state-of-the-art manufacturing methods, highly efficient equipment and highly skilled craftsmen allowing Gardner Denver to produce a high quality product at very competitive prices. You can also feel confident that our products have been field tested to assure performance, long life and trouble-free operation.

Our service begins close to you with five strategically located warehouses and a network of over 100 authorized distributors committed to stocking the parts you need — when you need them. Plus, a ready supply to assure you of fast delivery.

Repair and Service Capabilities

Who better to repair your pump than the company you bought it from in the frist place. Gardner Denver offers you two locations dedicated to rebuilding, remanufacturing or repairing your pump power end, fluid end, or complete pump assembly. Highly-trained technicians will remove, repair and test your pump in a shop designed to get your unit back to work as quickly as possible. Supported with a full-line of original Gardner Denver parts, our Ft. Worth, Texas, and Odessa, Texas, are logistically located to expedite repairs to factory specifications.

Drilling & Production Pumps Drilling & Production After-Market Well Service Pumps After-Market & Repair Facility After-Market, Repair & Sales Gardner Denver Pump Division Gardner Denver Pump Division Gardner Denver Pump Division Gardner Denver Pump Division Gardner Denver Pump Division.

lex Plunger Pumps
Oil line,mining and industrial service Gardner Denver FX Duplex pumps
Gardner Denver Well Servicing pumps
Gardner Denver Intermittent Duty Triplex Pumps Intermittent Duty Well Stimulation Pumps


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